High and rocky are my slopes.
After a sweet rest, I’m concentrated and I wake up.
I stand firm as everything around goes against the wind.



A mountain passito combining aromas and sweetness with acidity and freshness

The mineral character and the natural acidity make Controvento an innovative sweet wine distinguished for its young, sleek and pleasant mouth.
An early harvest and a delicate grapes drying process allowed to create a wine with a distinctive character and expression, without ever reaching extreme levels of sweetness.

Terroir, variety and winemaking style

These are the three main differentiating elements for Controvento, a sweet passito with its own category.

Clean and captivating, it shows notes of rose petals, apricots, rosemary, face powder, marigold and hawthorn. Medium-full body, linear and tasty in the sip, finishing slightly but expertly thin. Appealing.

Winemaking process

Grapes drying, winemaking and ageing

The white grape bunches are carefully hand-selected in the vineyards at 800 m a.s.l., slightly ahead of full ripening, and arranged on plateau dedicated to the following drying process.

For about a month, grapes concentrate sugars and aromas in a controlled temperature and humidity environment, losing about 35% of their initial weight.

At the end of this process soft pressing takes place followed by static clarification at low temperature.

Cassetta vendemmia
Subsequently, the must ferments is steel tanks until it reaches an alcohol content of 10% vol, with a residual sugar of 100 g/L.

Fermentation is halted through filtration and cooling.

Eventually, the wine ages for six months in steel tanks and for about two more months in 0,375L bottles before being released for retail.
controvento-Bottiglia ristorante

Controvento 2023

Retail price 58€ | 325 numbered bottles

A year characterized by the absence of rain during the winter and above-average temperatures until April. From the beginning of vines vegetative awakening and throughout the summer rainfalls were more regular, favoring constant growth of the vines. From veraison, temperatures and solar radiation fully supported the completion of grapes ripening. The Muscaris bunches, vigorous and intact, were harvested at the end of September, slightly early to maintain the required acidity in grapes.

Technical data sheet
Controvento 2023

Awards and Acknowledgements

Our mission is to produce wines that reflect the unique character of our land through sustainable and innovative agricultural practices. These awards and recognitions are also thanks to those who have chosen to believe in our philosophy.

WineHunter Award 2024
Bollino rosso
Chapter one

Where the wind blows

The terroir